Now the deranged “Left Cult” is banning a science fiction author from attending a conference because he’s a conservative

A popular science fiction writer was recently blacklisted from attending the WorldCon sci-fi convention simply because he holds conservative viewpoints.

WorldCon has dubbed Jon Del Arroz a “racist bully,” announcing in a recent Facebook post that the group is reducing his membership to a lower status in order to prohibit his attendance from its conventions.

The group claims that it had to remove Del Arroz from its ranks because he chose to break its “code of conduct.” The group adds that it “strives to be an inclusive place in fandom,” and that “racist and bullying behavior is not acceptable.”

“This expulsion is one step towards eliminating such behavior and was not taken lightly,” the WorldCon Facebook post explains. “The senior staff and board are in agreement about the decision and it is final.”

So what did Del Arroz do, exactly? Well, not much of anything, it turns out. While Arroz was once seen wearing a red hat with the words, “MAKE SCIENCE FICTION FUN AGAIN,” an obvious reference to Donald Trump’s “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” campaign hats, he’s done none of the things that WorldCon is claiming.

Del Arroz has since hired an attorney to respond to WorldCon, claiming that the claims being made against him are “both untrue and highly injurious,” and threaten not only his livelihood but also his reputation as a writer in the science fiction community.

“The accusation of ‘racism’ is a factual claim that in the present social climate is extremely derogatory and stigmatizing,” Del Arroz’s attorney wrote in a warning letter to WorldCon.

“The effect of such stigmatization necessarily injures the person so stigmatized in the pursuit of his chosen profession, thereby causing substantial foreseeable financial damage. It is also deeply offensive, particularly to Mr. Del Arroz, who is very proud of his Hispanic heritage.”

Del Arroz says WorldCon can avoid lawsuit by making its employees undergo sensitivity training for dealing appropriately with conservatives

If WorldCon doesn’t relent in its accusations against Del Arroz and restore his membership, his attorney plans to sue WorldCon. Del Arroz is asking for an apology, a lifting of the ban, and that WorldCon employees be forced to undergo sensitivity training to learn how not to discriminate against conservatives.

Not surprisingly, WorldCon has refused the offer, so Del Arroz is moving forward with a lawsuit. He recently set up a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for it, entitled “Make WorldCon Great Again.”

The filing fees for the lawsuit have already been raised, and fundraising for the lawsuit itself is now underway. Del Arroz plans to take advantage of a little-known discrimination law in California, where WorldCon is held, that prohibits places of public accommodation – in this case the convention center in San Jose – from discriminating against any person:

“… based on a personal characteristic representing a trait, condition, decision, or choice fundamental to a person’s identity, beliefs and self-definition as that factor has been applied in previous cases.”

This law is known as California’s Unruh Act and exists as California Civil Code§51 et seq. which, based on earlier precedent, prohibits discrimination against people based on their political affiliation.

“Whether the exclusionary policy rests on the alleged undesirable propensities of those of a particular race, nationality, occupation, political affiliation, or age … the Unruh Act protects individuals from … arbitrary discrimination,” the law states.

The fact that a leftist organization is openly discriminating against one of its conservative members isn’t really all that surprising, considering that the intolerant left is now widely known to be pushing an anti-conservative, anti-white agenda throughout American society.

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