By JD Heyes
Shooting sports group considering class-action lawsuit against Google for discrimination over Adwords/Adsense ban against firearms companies
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is preparing to file a class-action suit against Google and has put out a public call to any other businesses who believe they, too, have been discriminated against by the search giant after being banned from using AdWords and AdSense. “Do you run a business in the United States that […]
By JD Heyes
Radical Left now calling for ban of voting rights for all straight white men… this is what we will face if Democrats win
The Democrat Party in the age of POTUS Obama and POTUS Trump has gone completely rogue and should no longer be considered a viable American political entity. That’s because the positions members of the party continually adopt are so far outside our founding mores, values, and principles as to be unrecognizable even to Democrats of […]
By Lance D Johnson
Conservative-hating Southern Poverty Law Center now dictating FINANCIAL institutions BAN conservative online platforms
In their quest to eradicate “hate” from the U.S., the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has started working with financial institutions to ban online platforms that represent conservative beliefs. Leftists want compliance to their ideas. Any political discourse that doesn’t support their ideas can be cited as a threat, as “hate speech.” The SPLC’s mission […]
By Lance D Johnson
Tech giants have been ordered to simultaneously censor all pro-gun content in run-up to nationwide gun grab attempt
As millions of Americans get a concealed carry license and arm themselves, tech giants are busy cracking down on pro-gun content on the web. Facebook has already banned gun transactions from their site. Shopify bans most gun related sales, too. YouTube has shut down multiple user channels that talk about firearms and teach gun safety. […]
By Lance D Johnson
Remember the promise of net neutrality? It was a power grab by tech giants who now decide what you get to see… or not
Do you remember when tech giants like Facebook, Google, and Apple were all for “net neutrality?” They jumped up on stage and boasted that they were for an “open and free” internet. The tech elite cheered on the 2015 net neutrality rules, promising that internet users could not be blocked from sites they wanted to visit. […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing social media giants are BEGGING to be regulated by the government, and Trump may just oblige them
POTUS Donald Trump, who has used social media to perfection by bypassing the hideously biased and dishonest “establishment” media with his tweets, has had enough of the deplatforming of conservative and pro-presidential voices. And once riled, the president gets results. Likely in response to the banning of Alex Jones and Infowars from several social media and […]
By Ethan Huff
What would happen if Twitter censored all black people? Watch at Brighteon.com
The left is far too busy at the moment rooting on the technocratic thought police that are actively censoring conservative and out-of-the-box thinking online to notice that what they’re now advocating for is really no different than the policies of old that forced black people to sit at the back of the bus behind whites. […]
By Tracey Watson
Brighteon.com founder Mike Adams: “No central authority” should be able to block your speech; knowledge needs to be decentralized
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and founder of Natural News, is on a mission. Having himself been the victim of unfair censorship by Google, YouTube and other “tech giants,” he set out to create a viewing platform which reestablishes true freedom of expression. Brighteon.com was launched just weeks ago, and is already enjoying excellent growth, […]
By Vicki Batts
Soros-funded Leftist organization created to “defend free expression” is behind the total censorship BAN of Alex Jones…
People for the American Way claims to defend constitutional values” from “right-wing extremists,” but it turns out the organization actually helped lead the attack on Alex Jones. Free speech is one of the many freedoms that makes the United States so unique, and it’s growing ever-clearer that the radical Left is bent on corrupting our […]
By Ethan Huff
Big Brother Microsoft threatening to revoke cloud computing infrastructure from GAB.ai in latest escalation of insane censorship
A social media alternative to Twitter that describes itself as being “dedicated to preserving individual liberty, the freedom of speech, and the free flow of information on the internet” has been served notice by tech giant Microsoft that it must remove content that the multinational corporation finds “offensive,” or else face a forced shutdown of […]
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