Google, YouTube allow the Left to make comparisons to Trump and Hitler, but conservatives aren’t allowed to compare David Hogg’s Nazi salute to the murderous dictator

During a campaign stop in Florida in March 2016, then-GOP candidate Donald J. Trump asked an energetic and enthusiastic crowd to “raise your right hand” and “pledge” to vote for him.

Most everyone did, but that’s all it was; they simply raised their hands, like Trump did when he took the oath of office, or like you would if you were appearing in court and swearing to tell the truth.

But, the disgustingly dishonest mainstream media, already sick with Trump Derangement Syndrome, pretended it was akin to a Nazi salute — like the kind Adolph Hitler used to give and receive.

If anyone knows about real authoritarian fascism it’s the American Pravda media; they’ve been cheering for Left-wing tyrants and thugs for decades.

But comparing a “pledge” gesture to a Nazi salute was over-the-top, and it demonstrated just how low in esteem the Beltway media holds Mr. and Mrs. American.

Needless to say, the “entertainment” industry was all over it, culminating in an appearance on late-night TV by ‘comedian’ Sarah Silverman dressed like the murderous Nazi leader pretending to “agree” with Trump’s rhetoric.

Har har. Coming from a recalcitrant Jew, she’d have been a real big hit back in the day when the guy she dressed like was murdering her people.

She wasn’t the only entertainer to follow the Pravda media’s lead. Others, including HBO’s Bill Maher, made additional references to ‘Trump as Hitler’ — most of which you can find on Google and YouTube.

Because ‘Trump is Hitler’ comparisons are okay, especially when the Alt-Left makes them. But don’t you, filthy conservative, dare to make a similar (and better) comparison to a gesture made by young David Hogg at a recent gun control rally in Washington, D.C. to the vile Nazi leader.

Because if you do and you try to post such comparisons, well, you’re going to be banned or censored by the sensitive little prudes on both media platforms.

As noted by Alex Jones during a recent broadcast at InfoWars, when he and others even attempted coverage that showed how the world’s most murderous dictators and leaders of authoritarian movements utilized youth and gun control to exert iron-clad control over populations, YouTube removed the content, claiming violations of ‘community standards’ and always without a warning. (Related: Google now waging all-out censorship war against conservative websites through “fact checking” that’s no more than biased opinion.)

One meme that has also been banned, apparently, shows Hogg raising his right arm in a manner that the Nazis used to raise their arms juxtaposed next to Hitler raising his. The comparison works because it’s exact.

Now, no one knows if young Mr. Hogg is a believer in Nazi ideology (it’s doubtful) or if the raising of his arm at the rally was intentionally provocative. But the optics are a lot truer than Trump’s “take a pledge” gesture. More than that, Trump has never advocated for anything close to what Hitler advocated for and did — to Jews, to ‘inferior’ races, and — ultimately — to the German people and his own country.

But young Mr. Hogg is advocating for policies that Hitler would have loved and that he practiced, like propaganda and gun control — hence reports like those Jones and InfoWars produced and the various memes making the comparison.

So if young Mr. Hogg cannot be compared to Hitler, despite making a similar gesture — if that’s too outrageous because “there’s no way it can be true,” then why is it alright to make a similar comparison between Trump and Hitler, when there is no legitimate comparison to make, especially when it comes to optics?

I think you know the answer to that.

The Left has its own set of rules it operates by, and those it expects conservatives to operate by — kind of like there are two sets of rules in Washington, D.C.; those for Hillary Clinton and those for everybody else.

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J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

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