By JD Heyes
Radical Left now calling for ban of voting rights for all straight white men… this is what we will face if Democrats win
The Democrat Party in the age of POTUS Obama and POTUS Trump has gone completely rogue and should no longer be considered a viable American political entity. That’s because the positions members of the party continually adopt are so far outside our founding mores, values, and principles as to be unrecognizable even to Democrats of […]
By Vicki Batts
CENSORSHIP is now the only way lunatic Leftists can gain an audience: They can’t compete with free speech on a level playing field
The left-wing has been pushing censorship of conservatives for several years now, with their war against free speech culminating in the unceremonious banning of Alex Jones and other conservatives across social media. Back in 2014, liberals were using the phrase “Check your privilege” to shame conservatives and in the last four years, they’ve stepped up […]
By JD Heyes
Leftist gun-grabber darling David Hogg demands apology over college rejection jab: Where is HIS apology to NRA, gun owners for his vile attacks?
Last week, the American Left’s newest gun control darling, Parkland, Florida high school senior David Hogg took time out from his shameless attacks on the Second Amendment to note that despite having a 4.1 grade point average, four universities had rejected his applications. Hogg’s revelations were met with just a smidge of mocking scorn from […]
By JD Heyes
Google, YouTube allow the Left to make comparisons to Trump and Hitler, but conservatives aren’t allowed to compare David Hogg’s Nazi salute to the murderous dictator
During a campaign stop in Florida in March 2016, then-GOP candidate Donald J. Trump asked an energetic and enthusiastic crowd to “raise your right hand” and “pledge” to vote for him. Most everyone did, but that’s all it was; they simply raised their hands, like Trump did when he took the oath of office, or […]
By News Editors
Hogg Hitler! YouTube puts warning on hilarious David Hogg spoof video
JOKES ABOUT DEMOCRAT ACTIVIST DAVID HOGG WILL NOT BE ALLOWED After the #MarchForOurLives Democratic Party rally in Washington DC on Saturday videos of anti-gun activist hit the internet. (Article by Jim Hoft republished from One hilarious video spoofs angry David Hogg as Adolf Hitler. YouTube posted a viewer warning on the video. Google-YouTube will […]
By Jayson Veley
24 states now pursuing free speech bills to protect conservative speakers from left-wing bullies and liberal authoritarians
A total of 24 states across the country have now either introduced or passed legislation in defense of the freedom of speech on public college campuses, according to Campus Reform. The states that have already passed legislation in defense of the freedom of speech on campus include Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Colorado, Utah […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger lawyers issue demand to YouTube: Show justification for termination or reinstate video channel
In the most egregious demonstration yet of outright tyranny and oppression of free speech, YouTube terminated the entire Health Ranger channel (“TheHealthRanger”) without explanation over a week ago. Since then, the internet has expressed increasing outrage toward YouTube for blatant censorship of a channel with over 350,000 subscribers, 1700+ videos and over a decade of […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing authoritarianism going global as conservative activist and Canadian YouTuber Lauren Southern “detained” by UK authorities to suppress her speech
There is a cultural, political, social, and economic battle taking place throughout the Western world between the forces of freedom, independence, and liberty and those who prefer Marxist authoritarianism. And make no mistake, this fight will determine whether human freedom survives into the next generation or whether Left-wing autocrats will succeed in imposing their will […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger announces as “the answer to YouTube censorship” … bypass tyranny and censorship with p2p file sharing
Every time the techno-tyrants try to destroy free speech, it backfires on them. When YouTube terminated my entire Health Ranger channel last Saturday without any justifiable reason whatsoever, it became obvious to me that the time had come to pull the trigger on a p2p file distribution technology I’ve been researching for several years. Google, […]
By Ethan Huff
CENSORED SCIENCE: University shuts down study on people who wished they hadn’t changed their gender
Institutions of higher learning are supposed to be incubators of academic and intellectual liberty. But at Bath Spa University in the United Kingdom, the freedom to explore and learn new things apparently stops at hot-button social issues like the recent transgender phenomenon that’s recently captured the news cycle. Psychologist and researcher James Caspian learned this […]
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