By Ethan Huff
Newsguard is a front for Big Pharma that suppresses all pharma-truth news sites
As you may recall, Microsoft introduced a web browser plugin about a year ago called NewsGuard that supposedly helps to filter out “fake news” from people’s online search results. But it turns out that NewsGuard is just another deep state scheme aimed at censoring all real news, and it’s being funded in large part by […]
By News Editors
Bokhari: When will Big Tech stop amplifying NewsGuard-approved conspiracy theories?
Big tech has long since caved to the power of big journalism. The spread of the Russia collusion hoax, fully approved of by Microsoft partner NewsGuard, is only the latest example. (Article by Allum Bokhari republished from At the behest of left-wing activist writers from mainstream sources, YouTube deliberately suppressed pro-life videos in its search results. After months of […]
By Ethan Huff
How Microsoft is engineering massive, nationwide criminal election fraud with the help of a shady browser plug-in called “NewsGuard”
There’s a “new kid” on the emerging tech block that’s really just an old kid trying to reinvigorate its dying corporate name by developing new Big Brother web tools aimed at controlling and censoring the free-flow of information online: Microsoft. As we’ve been reporting, the Bill Gates empire has introduced a new browser plug-in known […]
By JD Heyes
“NewsGuard” is Big Tech’s latest scheme to “blacklist” and censor conservative and independent media
In a decision made without consulting first with users, Microsoft is teaming up with an online censor to filter out and “blacklist” conservative and independent media voices under the false guise of combating “fake news.” As reported by Breitbart Tech, Microsoft has already installed a mainstream media (MSM) browser extension that rates the ‘accuracy’ of […]
By Vicki Batts
Fake news front group “NewsGuard” exposed as a massive protection racket to promote fake narratives from official sources while censoring indy media
NewsGuard Technologies promotes itself as a company bent on fighting “fake news” and allowing truth to prevail. The website claims the company will restore “trust and accountability” through its human-driven rating system. But as many critics have suspected, the onslaught of pro-NewsGuard propaganda is a ploy to deceive the public and normalize censorship. NewsGuard doesn’t […]
By Ethan Huff
Neocon propaganda group “NewsGuard” now waging new war of total economic terrorism against the independent media
In addition to tagging all independent news outlets as “unreliable” while propping up establishment fake news with official “verified” symbols, the new Microsoft “NewsGuard” web browser plugin is also steering advertisers away from any content that supports President Trump in an attempt to financially suffocate to death all pro-Trump websites. According to Breitbart News, the […]
By Ethan Huff
NewsGuard censorship plug-in labels confirmed media HOAXES to be “credible” news, while blacklisting all independent media
One of the latest assaults against online free speech is a new Microsoft product known as “NewsGuard” that the company has branded as a helpful tool for internet users to discern “fake” news from “credible” news. But the browser plug-in actually functions completely contrary to this, classifying all independent news as “fake” while propping up […]
By Ethan Huff
NewsGuard, a shady browser plug-in that censors independent media, found to be running a P.R. front for the human rights violating Saudi regime
A new product created by Microsoft that supposedly differentiates between real and fake news online has been exposed as a propaganda tool tied to none other than Saudi Arabia, arguably the world’s most oppressive theocratic regime. The so-called “NewsGuard” browser plug-in claims to be all about “restoring trust and accountability” to online news content, assigning […]
By Tracey Watson
NewsGuard browser plug-in claims to certify “real news” despite biased board of directors with history of deception and lies
With an online world swimming in fake news, the idea of an elevated board of fact checkers with integrity and a strong background in journalism might sound like a good idea to many. In a society where unsubstantiated media reports like those surrounding the Covington Catholic School boys are common, wouldn’t it be nice to […]
By JD Heyes
New Microsoft censorship tool “NewsGuard” gives favorable ratings to sites that falsely accused and attacked Convington Catholic High teens
A new browser tool introduced by Microsoft has become Big Tech’s latest scheme to besmirch, denigrate, and censor conservative and independent media that does not toe the Left-wing line in trashing POTUS Donald Trump and the movement he leads on a daily basis. As reported by Breitbart Tech, instead the tool, called “NewsGuard,” works to […]
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