Twitter PURGE of conservatives spearheaded by Hillary Clinton and the left-wing media because the left can only win elections by silencing their opponents

When it comes to winning over hearts and minds of voters, Democrats have found that when they’re honest, they tend to drive away support rather than engender it.

For instance, in recent weeks far-Left lawmakers in deep blue states like New York, Vermont, and Maryland have either passed or are in the process of passing new abortion laws that are so permissive they fall just short of outright infanticide.

The alarming increase in full-term abortion legislation has already led to a voter backlash; a survey taken this month found that the vast majority of Americans oppose “radical” late-term abortion laws.

The same is true of Democrats’ preference for socialism. When Americans are told the truth about socialist policies, most soundly reject them. In fact, the very term “socialist” is a voter turnoff; a July 2018 poll found that 76 percent of Americans would not vote for a self-ascribed political socialist. Maybe that’s why Sen. Bernie Sanders has pledged to run for president again as a Democrat.

It’s this inability to be honest with Americans that is driving so much of the Democrat-aligned Left-wing social media and mainstream media (MSM) assault against POTUS Donald Trump and his Republican supporters.

After the billionaire businessman electorally trounced Hillary Clinton in 2016, the political establishment concocted a “Russian collusion” hoax claiming that the Trump campaign and Moscow were in cahoots to “steal” the election, in part with a massive ‘disinformation’ campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms. 

When that hoax didn’t pan out the way the Obama-inspired Deep State wanted — with the removal of POTUS Trump from office — the Left turned to its allies in the MSM and social media to ban, downgrade, and censor conservatives ahead of the 2018 midterms. 

Now, as 2020 approaches, the Left, led by Hillary, a two-time presidential loser and unindicted trafficker in classified emails, is going all-out to purge conservative Trump supporters from any platform where they have a sizable following.

The only ‘Russia-style’ influence operations during our recent elections have been launched by Democrats

Last week Clinton tweeted out a garbage story by Politico already claiming that “foreign actors” are using — what else? — social media to “target 2020 Democratic candidates,” and that conservatives, of course, are ‘perpetuating’ the attacks.

Politico noted further “a coordinated barrage of social media attacks suggests the involvement of foreign state actors”:

A wide-ranging disinformation campaign aimed at Democratic 2020 candidates is already underway on social media, with signs that foreign state actors are driving at least some of the activity.

The main targets appear to be Sens. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas), four of the most prominent announced or prospective candidates for president.

“It looks like the 2020 presidential primary is going to be the next battleground to divide and confuse Americans,” Brett Horvath, a co-founder of, a tech company that disrupts cyberattacks and seeks to “protect pro-democracy groups from information warfare,” Politico noted. 

“As it relates to information warfare in the 2020 cycle, we’re not on the verge of it — we’re already in the third inning.”


What we know is this:

— The only “Russian-style” influence operation we actually know occurred — because the perpetrators admitted it — took place during a special U.S. Senate election in Alabama by a Democrat-aligned firm that helped a Democrat win a seat long held by Republicans. 

— The Left-wing social media platforms have been banishing conservatives from their platforms, not liberals.

— MSM coverage of POTUS Trump has been 92-95 percent negative.

All of which proves, again, that the Left can’t be honest with American voters about their ideas so they have to resort to dishonesty in order to prevail.

Read more about the Left’s social media censorship of conservatives at

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