Watch as Berkeley Police demand that remove all Alex Jones content from video platform

Ongoing efforts by the deep state to silence Alex Jones and InfoWars aren’t stopping with just YouTube, Facebook, and Google. According to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, leftist tyrants are now going after, demanding that the free and independent video platform engage in similar censorship tactics.

During a recent episode of The Alex Jones Show, available for viewing at, Adams explains how he and his team received a strange email purporting to be from the Berkeley Police Department in California, which stated that all content from Alex Jones violates the law.

“Even this morning, my staff at received an email that claimed to be from the police of the City of Berkeley,” Adams stated during the segment. “And this email said that we have to take down all Alex Jones videos because of violations of the DMCA,” he added, DMCA being the acronym for the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

“Now, they didn’t cite any video, nothing, so, of course, we had a good laugh about that email,” Adams continued to explain. “And it could have been a hoax, I don’t know.”

The full segment of The Alex Jones Show is available for viewing below:

Berkeley leftists are violent, hateful fascists who desire to control all forms of speech

Berkeley, California, as you may recall, has been ground zero for leftist violence and tyranny against conservatives. The University of California at Berkeley is where Antifa, for instance, has, on numerous occasions, committed horrible acts of violence against people who support President Trump.

And now, it appears that they’re trying to go after free speech even on platforms like that aren’t controlled by the deep state, the most notable examples being Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon.

“We’ve got 1,000 of our highest viewed videos that we’re now going to upload there (to of the 35,000 that they blew away,” stated Jones to Adams about the migration of InfoWars to greener, safer platforms.

Will the deep state go after independent content platforms like in an attempt to silence them?

But how long will it all last. As noted by Adams, it’s definitely within the realm of possibility that deep state elements may try to go after platforms like via hosting providers, for instance. This is exactly what Microsoft did against, as it threatened to de-platform’s web servers if it refused to remove content that Microsoft deemed “hateful.”

“If our bandwidth provider bans us, if the components that we use … if they choose to try to violate their terms of service and cut us off, we’ll have to seek alternatives,” Adams revealed. “It’s an all-out war.”

As of this writing, Alex Jones and InfoWars have been removed from practically every mainstream communications platform on the web – the excuse being that what Jones offers to his viewers and listeners is “hate speech.” The term hate speech, as you may well know, is legally meaningless, and is simply an excuse by the leftist mob to silence all forms of free speech that the left doesn’t like.

“I’m telling you folks, the Democrats early on appointed a bunch of people, these special committees that Obama signed executive orders for, to federalize elections and say that everything was Russian fraud, and then overturn the 2016 election at some point, and then have a new federalization of elections where you’ll never have a real two-party system again,” Jones warns.

“This is crazy. They now admit that they want to censor even Fox News. They want to take over because they know the planet is realigned against collectivism and globalism and leftist garbage.”

Be sure to watch the full segment with Alex Jones and Mike Adams at

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