Facebook blocks pro-life baby pictures to protect abortion industry from scrutiny

Facebook has demonstrated their bias against conservative media again and again. While the left-wing media is undeniably loath to admit that the social media giant is indeed censoring political adversaries, the truth is easily seen. Facebook’s targeting of conservative voices is clear — especially when it comes to pro-life content.

Facebook’s crackdown on dissenting thought has gone to new heights with the launching of new rules for advertisements. The social media network claims these rules will increase “transparency,” though it seems Facebook has forgotten what that word actually means.

LifeSiteNews reports that since Ireland’s May 25 abortion referendum, Facebook has rejected their ads almost entirely. According to Facebook, the images of ultrasounds and baby feet used in pro-life ads are “too strong” for the social media network, but it seems as though Facebook just can’t hide the fact that they’ve got their own agenda to push.

Facebook scheme to quash pro-life content

As LifeSiteNews explains, Facebook now requires publishers to undergo an extensive verification process in order to publish content the network considers “political.”

What are these “political” buzzwords? Well, so far the list of subjects deemed “political” by Facebook include “abortion,” “civil rights,” “health,” and “values.” But the social media leviathan says that this list will be expanded over time — to include anything and everything that might inspire divergent thought, no doubt.

Under this scheme, Facebook can effectively control what content (and what opinions) gets published — without explicitly engaging in censorship.

Facebook’s phony “transparency” initiative has been the subject of widespread derision. LifeSite President Steve Jalsevac commented, “Facebook has made everything ‘political’ whereas we are an entirely issues-focused news service rather than a political one.”

Ads for LifeSiteNews have repeatedly been rejected, likely for their pro-life message.

A Facebook representative reportedly told LifeSiteNews that using images for their ads and articles that include ultrasounds and unborn babies may be “too strong” for Facebook.

The rep continued by suggesting that the topic of being pro-life may be “too offensive.”

The representative noted that if ads continued to be rejected even with new images, it “may be that the topic of choice for your Ads is what is being disapproved.”

The Facebook reply stated, “I definitely understand what you are referring to, but more than likely the topic you are speaking of may offend some, or Facebook finds they would rather not allow that type of Advertising at this time.”

“Perhaps Facebook would rather remain neutral as they would not want to offend either side. While you do have authorization to run Ads, perhaps this topic might be the cause of those disapproval,” the reply continued.

Pro-abortion ads proliferate

If Facebook was actually committed to remaining “neutral” in the abortion argument, then the rep’s response would be quite reasonable. But it’s hard to believe the social media giant considers itself “neutral” when Planned Parenthood seems to be given free reign for partisan advertisements.

Along with clearly one-sided images, LifeSiteNews reports that Planned Parenthood advertisements have even targeted politicians by name, accusing them of disrupting access to healthcare.

The fact is that the Leftists at Facebook are bent on censoring speech they deem “offensive.” And what they consider to be offensive is just about any opinion or thought that they don’t agree with.

For example, Facebook was also accused of blocking content about an up-and-coming movie on the real story behind Roe vs. Wade. Nick Loeb reportedly commented that he believes Facebook is censoring news about the film because of its pro-life slant — and the fact that it exposes Planned Parenthood’s eugenic roots.

Censorship of conservative or otherwise independent, dissenting thought and opinion is only getting worse. Stay up-to-date with the latest atrocities at Banned.news.

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