Christian pastors are being arrested in the UK for preaching the word of God… while UK tyrants protect Islamic radicals

Freedom of speech in the United Kingdom is under attack after a Christian preacher was arrested for sharing his faith in the public square.

According to reports, David Lynn, a non-denominational ministry leader from Canada, was forcibly removed from a train station in Barking after a lesbian woman accused him of calling her “perverse” and “sinful” during his message.

Lynn denies this allegation – and video footage from the event corroborates his defense – but that didn’t stop British police from arresting the preacher and detaining him for more than 20 hours.

Though he was eventually released without a charge filed, Lynn, who has been preaching from the Bible for 22 years, had to seek legal counsel from the Christian Legal Center, a U.K.-based organization that helps Christians all over the world handle legal cases such as this that involve accusations of “discrimination.”

As the head of Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries, which has congregations not only in the U.K. but also in the United States and Canada, Lynn had plenty of support on the tube platform that fateful day in which he was taken away in cuffs. He says he was only there to help people find a right relationship with Jesus Christ, which involves turning from sin.

“He preached about people searching for love in the wrong places, and that it is only through a right relationship with Christ that this deep need can be satisfied,” the Christian Legal Center reported.

“A crowd formed, and David frequently handed the microphone to onlookers to allow them to respond to his preaching. It was alleged that David called a homosexual lady in the crowd ‘perverse’ and ‘sinful,’ though he denies this and video footage captured of the preaching does not substantiate her complaint. Instead, it shows groups of supporters cheering, chanting ‘Jesus’ and supporting David throughout his preaching. The atmosphere was more like a carnival that [sic] a confrontation.”

U.K. authorities ban woman from country, dub her a “terrorist,” simply because she spoke out against Islam

What seems to have further bothered U.K. authorities is the fact that Lynn isn’t a Muslim, which seems to be the only religious faction in Great Britain that receives religious protection anymore. Christians like Lynn who openly share their faith are becoming increasingly marginalized and persecuted.

And it’s happening all over the U.K., as Christians like Lynn are continually being targeted for exercising their free speech rights. A Christian woman by the name of Lauren Southern was actually barred from entering the country after she was accused of violating Islam’s “Blasphemy” laws simply for speaking out against the religion.

The U.K. actually declared Southern to be a “terrorist” after she and some friends conducted a social experiment in which they handed out flyers that were critical of Islam. Southern’s attempted entry back into the country after being kicked out was denied, as authorities stated that allowing her presence would not be “conducive to the public good.”

Her flyer, which claimed to be a fictitious group known as “LGBT for Islam UK,” stated:

“Allah is Gay, Allah is Trans, Allah is Lesbian, Allah is Intersex, Allah is Feminist, Allah is Queer, Allah is All of Us.”

Like Lynn, Southern was immediately targeted and eventually forced out of the U.K. She later told Fox News that she believes the ordeal “could be marking the end of conservative speech in the U.K. or the beginning of an era of serious censorship.”

In defending his actions, Lynn told the media that his only goal is to bring the “life-changing message of Jesus Christ’s love and forgiveness to the world through evangelism.” He added that, while his arrest came as a shock, he’s grateful to those who continue to support him and who have helped him avoid being charged with crimes he didn’t commit.

Read for more coverage of attacks on Christians.

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