Vaccine pushers who promote mercury injections into children are “medical child molesters,” warns heavy metals expert

On top of all the sicko pedophilia and child trafficking going on in America, there’s also the vaccine industry: A cartel of toxic mercury pushers whose denial of the periodic table of elements (yes, they are science deniers) turns them into “medical child molesters” as they demand more and more children be injected with toxic mercury, a known neurotoxin and potent heavy metal that causes brain damage.

As any genuine scientist or chemist knows, there is no such thing as a safe quantity or safe form of mercury for injecting into children. The continued advocacy of vaccines containing mercury — which continue to be pushed onto children and pregnant women all across America — is a crime against children and a gross violation of the American Medical Association’s code of medical ethics. (RELATED: Read more news about modern medicine’s ethical failures at

As the lab science director of an internationally accredited heavy metals laboratory — — I’ve personally tested vaccines for their mercury content, and I know more about heavy metals than most vaccine pushers will ever learn in their lives. (I wrote an #1 Science book on heavy metals in food called Food Forensics.) The simple truth is that mercury is a potent neurotoxin and it’s still being deliberately used in vaccines injected into infants, children and pregnant women all across America.

Mercury in vaccines is “chemical violence” against children

That’s a “chemical assault” and a form of violence against children. That’s why I’ve decided to start calling it “medical child molestation.” Hear my podcast below for more discussion. This means that medical hacks and vaccine propagandists like Dr. David Gorski and Calif. state Sen. Richard Pan are openly advocating a form of medical violence against children. Meanwhile, people like myself (the Health Ranger) are routinely vilified in the pharma-controlled media for practicing good science and working to protect children from a known neurotoxin. (Coming soon: News on Thimerosal at

“There is no debate that mercury in any form is toxic. Scientists may debate the differences in toxicity between different forms of mercury, such as ethylmercury (which is an ingredient in Thimerosal) or methylmercury (from fish). But all would agree that mercury is a potent neurotoxin.” – Mark Hyman, M.D.

“The continued use of mercury, a known neurotoxin, raises particular concern for populations that are most vulnerable to neurodevelopmental harms, mainly a fetus in utero, infants, young children and the aged. When we speak of the health and safety of our children, our future generation, we speak of a societal responsibility, which we are privileged to bear… Many of the CDC’s own studies have demonstrated a link between increased Thimerosal exposures and the development of vocal and motor tics, which are generally recognized as autismlike features. This alarming association has been downplayed to the public.” — US Congressman Bill Posey

“That mercury is toxic cannot be disputed. To say otherwise is to pick a fight with the periodic table and the fundamental principles of physical chemistry. Consider the organization of electrons in atoms. Mercury is a large, heavy atom with more orbitals than lighter metals, like copper or zinc, and has a greater capacity to pick up and exchange electrons. …Mercury is thus a metabolic poison because it can insinuate itself into situations where it doesn’t belong.” – Martha R. Herbert, PhD, MD

“There is a broad consensus among research scientists that Thimerosal is a dangerous neurotoxin that should be immediately removed from medicines. Several hundred peer-reviewed scientific publications by the world’s leading research scientists, public health agencies, universities, and teaching hospitals have confirmed that Thimerosal is a potent neurotoxin that has never been proven safe for medical use and for which cost-effective alternatives exist.” – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. from his book Thimerosal – Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury – a Known Neurotoxin – from Vaccines.

Listen to my full podcast on Thimerosal, vaccines and the “medical child molesters” who push them

Hear the full podcast at my Health Ranger Report website, or listen below, and be sure to check daily for more breaking news about vaccines.

